
Implement one feature that has not been taught in this

Please get back to me whether this assignment can be done or not.

App Implementation


You will extend the work done in Assignment 1. The app needs to be fully complete in terms of the implementation and the following features must be incorporated [Note: We will cover all of these aspects in the forthcoming lectures and tute/labs]:

Adaptive Layout

App Extension

Data persistence (Core Data OR SQLite 3 ONLY,no other databases allowed)

Remote dataaccess

Implementan iOS/Cocoaframework


Adaptive Layout:
Please make sure that your app works in at least four different geometries- here are some

iPhone 6s - Portrait & Landscape AND iPad Air 2 - Portrait & Landscape
iPhone 5 - Portrait & Landscape AND iPad 2 - Portrait & Landscape
iPhone 5 - Portrait & Landscape AND iPhone 6 - Portrait & Landscape

etc. You can choose your own geometries.

App Extension:

An app extension lets you extend custom functionality and content beyond your app and make it available to users while they're interacting with other apps or the system. There are various extensions available. You can read about them at (remember we will cover them during forthcoming lectures and tute/labs as well):


Choose an appropriate app extension and use it in your app. During the demo marking session for this assignment, you should be able to explain the choice of the extension.

Data persistence:

All the relevant data must be stored in the database---you may choose ‘Core Data' or ‘SQLite3'. No other database product shouldbe used.

Data must be saved and retrieved- you should be able to display these features via a screen in the app.

Remote Data Access:

Your app must access a remote web service (API) and the device must provide some form of dynamic input to the API end point being accessed. The app must also display the data(or use the data) in a complete, useful way.

Good example:

The user to enters a search term, or the app uses the user's location  as a search parameter to an API endpoint  returning nearby restaurants. When the search results are returned, the app provides  a detail screen  with photos  from the restaurant (returned by the API) and shows the restaurant on a map. The user searches  for a list of events  nearby  and the results are displayed on a map. Providing the user a list of search filters (see realestate.com.au) to search an API is also a good example. Providing a synchronisation service between your user and a remote api.

Bad example:

Hard code a foursquare API request and display only venue titles in a list and only display basic text data in a detail view.

Implement an iOS/Cocoa framework:
Throughout the course we have covered a number of fundamental components you could use to build iOS apps. Some of these frameworks have been covered as a part of the course. Apps implementing features from this category must implement an advanced iOS multimedia or hardware related framework.


Audio/video streaming or processing Image Processing Augmented reality
2D drawing,
Core bluetooth or other peer-to-peernetworking utilising the device's accelerometer Complex graphics or graphing
Core Map
Use of Camera (if you use this, you will need a real device to demo your app)

Unit tests:
Write at least five unit tests. Unit tests are not the same as UI tests. Make them meaningful.


1. Implement all of the above features, the marks distribution is shown below-

a. Adaptive Layout
b. App Extension
c. Data Persistence
d. Remote Data Access
e. iOS/Cocoa Framework
f. Unit Tests

2. These will be awarded towards

a. general code elegance
b. the use of MVC pattern

3. Something extra feature: Implement one feature that has not been taught in this course. Research this part and figure out how to implement it? This is the part where you can display the passion for the iOS programming. Mild and anemic implementations will receive a low grade.

2.3 What to submit and How?


Create a README.txt file in the root directly of your project that describes to the tutors what your feature is, and how the tutor can assess it. Add any extra information that you may want to convey, references etc.

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Software Engineering: Implement one feature that has not been taught in this
Reference No:- TGS01373705

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