
Implement mycounts9 to process a text file practice with

Pair Programming                  

I. Implement MyCounts9 to process a text file, practice with arrays, and find the following:

1.Number of tokens

2.Number of uppercase letters

3.Number of lowercase letters

4.Number of digits

5.Number of other characters

6.Longest token in file

7.Shortest token in file (> 0)

8.List of all other characters

9.A header with your team number, your name, your partner's name, course, and date.

II. You may implement additional functions for possible bonus points.

III. I have attached a sample data text file to help you text your code. Your program should work with any other text file. Make sure that all program files and data files are stored in the same folder.

IV. Do not modify the driver.

V. Generate an output similar to the sample output format below.

VI. Make sure your program is well documented and readable. Also, the output is well labeled, indented, and aligned.

VII. Attach (do not turn in any hardcopy) via BlazeView the following items:

a. Each group should submit a single copy of the code and sample output.

b. Each team member should submit her/his report.

c. Do not submit driver or data file.

d. Zip and attach all your files

VIII. Sample input

CS Math1111 CS1302A Spring
VSU Valdosta Georgia

123  4567

-2.5   +100.75   -1234.567.3456  --1234

Is it Thanksgiving?  No!!

Said Fares

IX.             Sample output


            Team Number                        99                 

            Team Member 1:                     John               

            Team Member 2:                     Amanda             

            Course:                           CS 1301            


            Date:                              Tue Mar 07 11:51:18 EST 2017



            Number of Tokens:                  19                 

            Longest Token:                     -1234.567.3456     

            Shortest Token:                    CS                 

            Number of digits:                  37                 

            Number of uppercase letters:     17                 

            Number of lowercase letters:     43                 

            Number of other characters:      12                 

            List of other characters:          -.+.-..--?!!       



                        Bonus:             None

Attachment:- Project.zip

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JAVA Programming: Implement mycounts9 to process a text file practice with
Reference No:- TGS02384123

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