Question: You need to implement a stock quote service as a web application using HTML, a java servlet, and a JSP page.
For full credit, your application should use the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern with following components:
- The model, consisting of:
- The yahoo finance service.
- A java bean class (similar to the StockQuote class from Homework #1) to show the requested stock data.
- The view, consisting of:
- A static html form where the user enters a stock symbol.
- A JSP page that displays the requested data.
- The control consisting of:
- A java servlet to obtain the data from Yahoo, package it in a bean, and forward to the JSP for formatting.
The sequence of events when a user requests a stock quote should be:
Part 1: The user types a stock symbol in a text box on an HTML form and clicks the submit button.
Part 2: The java servlet retrieves the stock symbol from the request, and gets the current price, price change, high, and low from the Yahoo service.
Part 3: The servlet creates a bean object and stores the stock data in the bean.
Part 4: The servlet stores the bean in the request object (using setAttribute), gets a RequestDispatcher from the request, and then forwards to the JSP.
Part 5: The JSP uses a "jsp:useBean" element to access the bean, and "jsp:getProperty" elements to retrieve the bean data.
Part 6: The JSP generates HTML output with the requested data to display in the browser.
You need to make well-formed and clean code. You should not copy and paste the code from other source.