
Implement a simple clock class to keep track of the current

Your task is to implement a simple clock class to keep track of the current time using 24-hour time representation. Your clock should allow the user to input the current time. Your clock should allow the user to advance the clock by an integer number of minutes up to 12 hours (720 minutes).Finally, your clock should be able to format the time it represents for screen output, that is, it should produce a string representation of the time in a four-digit format, with leading zeros where needed for hours and minutes, and the ':' character separating the hours and minutes (for example: 05:30, 15:04, 23:59).


There are many ways to approach the architecture of the code. For this lab, use the following class design and responsibility allocation to code the logic. Use this logic only, do not deviate from these instructions:

1) A driver class (with main), called Lab9, should provide the following logic:
a) Prompt user for input for the current time hours and minutes. You may assume that these values are valid (i.e., you do not need to do any input validation for these values).
b) Call the Clock constructor with user input hours and minutes to create a new clock object.
c) Print the original user input time; use the clock's method to format the output before printing.
d) In a loop:
i) Prompt the user for a number of minutes to advance the clock, not to exceed 12 hours (720 minutes), or -1 to exit the program.
(1) Print an error message if the user entered a number greater than 720.
(2) Exit the program if the user entered -1.
(3) If the user provided an appropriate value for minutes, ask the Clock to advance the clock time, and then print the new time.
2) A Clock class should include:
a) Private integer data members for current time hours and minutes.
b) Public methods as follows:
i) a constructor that has two input parameters for user input hours and minutes, respectively, and sets the data members to these values
ii) a getCurrentTime method that has no input parameters, and returns the current time as a String, properly formatted
Hint: if your hour or minute count is less than 10, you need to insert a 0 (zero) character before the hour or minute to produce a 4-character time string
iii) an advanceTime method with a single input parameter for the number of minutes to advance the clock time, and no return value
Hint: if your new hour count exceeds 23, you need to calculate the correct hour value for the next day.
Hint: if your new minute count exceeds 59, you need to calculate the correct minute value


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JAVA Programming: Implement a simple clock class to keep track of the current
Reference No:- TGS02393504

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