
implement a program to query and update the text

Implement a program to query and update the text database for a library using a client/server model allowing multiple clients safe access to the database, and using a producer-consumer model to control the inventory of each item.
The project will be graded according the criteria for the final project - see below.
1. Multiple instances of a client class should be supported.
2. Use threads and locks to provide safe access to the database.
3. Add a field to each record in the dok kooatabase representing the maximum number of that book the library will hold. This number should be given a default value if the field is not present in the text file.
4. Functions should include:
o Returning a book to the library, blocking if the maximum number of that book is reached until a book is borrowed.
o Borrowing a book, blocking if the desired book is not in the library until a book is returned.
o Allow a client to cancel a request that has been blocked.
1. Java source code files
2. any configuration files used
3. a well-written Word document describing:
a. your overall design, including a UML class diagram showing the type of the class relationships
b. description of how to set up your application
c. your test plan, including test data and results, with screen snapshots of each of your test cases
d. your approach, lessons learned, design strengths and limitations, and suggestions for future improvement and alternative approaches

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JAVA Programming: implement a program to query and update the text
Reference No:- TGS0179053

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