
Implement a new employee benefit


Final Analytical Business Report



Pat Overbridge, the CEO of Overbridge LLC, will implement a new employee benefit in 2018 to supplement the current benefits package. Currently, all full time employees receive health care coverage, dental coverage and the option to contribute to a 401k plan. The following new benefits are currently under consideration:

1) Wellness Program: A program in which Overbridge LLC would provide employees with options to maintain a healthier life style (i.e. personal coaches, gym memberships, etc.) in exchange for a reduced health care premium. The reduced premium would only occur if the lifestyle change was documented (i.e. personal coach validation or proof of gym use), or

2) Paid Family Medical Leave Benefit: A program in which qualified employees would be provided with up to 12 weeks of paid, job-protected leave per year. Currently, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires 12 weeks of unpaid job-protected leave per year. See the following link for more information on FMLA: https://www.dol.gov/whd/fmla/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The Human Resources Department conducted a survey to collect primary data from employees regarding their preferences for the new benefit options. The results of the survey are provided within the Module. The primary data supplied in the survey is the only primary data you should use in your report! Do not spend time making up imaginary surveys or interviews. Instead, spend your time doing credible secondary research.

Mr. Overbridge asked you to evaluate the survey data (primary data) and supplement these data with outside research (secondary sources) that would help him determine which benefit option he will implement. The secondary sources should include credible data from third party researchers or from companies that have implemented similar benefit practices.

Well-thought out arguments for and against the option you choose to research are required. Mr. Overbridge also expects your recommendations to reflect the research and data presented in the report. Personal opinions are irrelevant.

Your final deliverable is a well-researched, unbiased analytical report evaluating the feasibility of one of the two listed options above. Your approach should assume that Overbridge LLC will implement one of the two benefit options, or a combination thereof. Do not approach this assignment as if Mr. Overbridge is questioning whether any program should be implemented or not.

You must use the Final Analytical Business Report template provided as a Word document in the Module. Not only is the template a good example of a technical business report writing format, it also contains suggestions on how to organize your final analytical report.

Required Elements of your Final Analytical Business Report:

1. Cover Page - You are welcome to design an attractive cover page layout, but be sure to include the report title, the sponsor name (your CEO), the sponsor's organization, and the date of completion. There is no page number on the cover page.

2. Contents Page - The headings and sub-headings should be exactly what is written in the report. Be sure to use informative headings

3. Table of Figures Page

4. Executive Summary - The executive summary is an essential part of the report. The reader should have enough information from this summary to make an informed decision without reading the rest of the report.

5. Body of Report, including

o introductory paragraph
o problem statement
o purpose statement
o research questions
o methodology
o discussion of findings/research
o a minimum of two graphs/figures
o conclusions
o recommendations

6. Sources in APA style

7. Appendix - Use the file "Primary Data - Benefit Option" or for your Appendix A. An in-body citation for the appendix is required. Most students cite the appendix in the methodology section. Others prefer to reference the appendix when they discuss the survey data in the discussion of findings section.

Use the required template (required analytical report template) provided in this module. You must include a minimum of FOUR secondary sources, with in-body citations. The body of your paper (from introductory paragraph to recommendations) must be a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 7 pages!

Survey Results: Use These Primary Data Collected by HR - Work Schedule

Below are the links to the employee survey questionnaire and the results collected by Human Resources. Use these data to design effective visuals and write an analytical (non-biased) report:

The employee survey results provided here are the only primary data sources you should refer to in your report. Since the company in the scenario is fictional, you have no realistic way to create more primary data. Instead, focus your time and energies on doing realistic secondary research and working to tie that secondary research to the primary data logically.

Survey Results for Employee Benefit Option Preferences

NOTE: Results for each question are shown in red.

Overbridge LLC will implement a supplement to your current benefit package next year and would like your opinion on what type of option(s) to offer. Your responses are anonymous and will only be used in aggregate. Thank you for your participation!

1. Which benefit option would you prefer to add to your current benefit package? Choose one.

538 Paid Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) benefit for up to 12 weeks.
(Currently eligible employees receive 12 weeks unpaid leave.)

296 Wellness Program with health premium reduction incentive
(Proof of wellness program participation could reduce health premiums by up to 10%.)

497 Combination benefit: A program that would provide up to 6 weeks paid FMLA leave and Wellness Program incentives (up to 4% reduction in health premiums).

14 I would not participate in any of the proposed benefit options.

2. If a Wellness Program option was added, which activity would you prefer the most? Choose an option.

696 Gym membership
263 Group exercise classes
159 Nutrition specialist
197 Stress reduction seminars/classes
30 None of the above

3. Would you be willing to work the equivalent of one day a week (only if needed) during your FMLA leave to help us train and bridge important projects? You would not lose those days. Instead, the days would be added to the end of your official leave.

987 yes
358 no

Survey Monkey® was used to develop an anonymous online survey to assess worker preferences concerning the benefit options. The survey link was sent to all 2000 employees in the company. A total of 1,345 employees responded to the survey.

Of the 1,345 respondents, approximately half are female and half are male. About 8 percent of the respondents are 51-70 years old; 36 percent are 35-50 years old; 41 percent are 25-34 years old, and the rest are between the ages of 18 and 24.

Attachment:- Problem Statement.rar

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Other Management: Implement a new employee benefit
Reference No:- TGS01948013

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