
Implement a nano-material into a consumer product

Your design team is working on a new product that will utilize Nanotechnology and nano-materials. Your assignment is to identify a design that requires unique properties only found in nano-materials. You do not need to complete the design, but outline what it is and the analysis, test and fabrication that would be needed to complete the design.

Choose any industry you are interested in. Think through what it would be needed to implement a nano-material into a consumer product.

As a minimum, provide your design team the following information:

1) Describe the design product

2) What major industry uses this type of product?

3) What is the principal property you are utilizing from the nano-material?

4) Identify and describe the nano-material you plan to use.

5) How does the nano-material provide the needed properties? (be specific)

6) Any specific material property tests that would be needed?

7) Outline a fabrication plan for this design (specifically with respect to the nano-material used)

8) Identify any safety or environmental concerns with using this nano-material

Provide this information to your team in a short 1-2 page technical report (no specific format is required).

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Other Subject: Implement a nano-material into a consumer product
Reference No:- TGS01425036

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