Implement a method of calculating the greatest happiness

Assignment task:


Chapter 9 moves from a discussion of value theory in general to a look at normative moral theories. There are many different perspectives considered in this chapter, and we're spending two weeks on it for that reason.

One moral theory that is very popular amongst philosophers and non-philosophers alike is utilitarianism, which is a form of consequentialism. The idea that we should maximize happiness, well-being, or some other notion of utility makes sense on the surface. However, it can be difficult to put such a theory into practice.

Assignment Instructions

Your goal in this assignment is to try to apply a utilitarian approach to a moral choice you are facing or have faced in the past. You'll need to read about consequentialist ethics and utilitarianism in particular, then try to calculate the best choice for the situation you are considering.

This needs to be a real moral choice you have faced, though it doesn't have to be anything dire. Lay out the details of the situation, the choice you face, then work through the utilitarian approach to find a solution.

Write Like a Philosopher

Choose a moral dilemma you are facing or that you have faced. Devise and implement a method of calculating the greatest happiness, such as identifying all the individuals affected by your decision and estimating the impact of your decision on their happiness. Then examine and explain the assumptions that are inherent in the method you are using to calculate happiness.



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Reference No:- TGS03392239

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