
Implement a function prime that takes a positive integer


Question I: Rock, Paper, Scissors is a two-player game in which each player chooses one of three items. If both players choose the same item, the game is tied. Otherwise, the rule that determines the winner is:

i. Rock beats Scissors.
ii. Scissors beat Paper.
iii. Paper beats Rock.

Implement function crsp() that simulates a game between a computer and a player. The function randomly selects the number of rounds to play (between 1 and 10 inclusive) then ask the user to input 'R', "S' or 'P', and randomly selects 'R', 'S' or 'P' for computer and gives 1 point to the winner in each round. If it is a tie no one gets a point. At the end of each round, it states who won (or states it was a tie) and the current score. After all the rounds are played the function announces the winner ("The computer won" or "The player won").

Question II: Implement a function prime() that takes a positive integer as input and returns True if it is a prime number and False otherwise.

Question III: Implement a function evenrow() that takes a two-dimensional list of integers and returns true if each row of the table sums up to an even number and False otherwise (i.e., some row sums to an odd number).


Question IV: Implement a function names() that takes no input arguments and repeatedly asks the user to enter the first name of a student in a class. When the user enters the empty string, the function should print for every name the number of students with that name.

>>> names()
Enter next name: Valerie
Enter next name: Bob
Enter next name: Valerie
Enter next name: Amelia
Enter next name: Bob
Enter next name:
There is 1 student named Amelia
There are 2 students named Bob
There are 2 students named Valerie.

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Python Programming: Implement a function prime that takes a positive integer
Reference No:- TGS03249170

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