
Implement a disciplinary process at your company

I want assistance with writing a disciplinary procedure for the scenario using the outlined detailed illustrated below.

Not all is roses at your company. One of your best programmers was just caught looking at pornography on the internet. This has clearly upset one of the owners, who insists that something must be done to stop this kind of behavior in the future. In the past, discipline problems were rare and far between; when they did occur the owners would usually pull the offender side and give them a "pep" talk, which usually solved the problem. But as the company has grown the owners realize that the old way may not be enough.

Given that there is no formal policy on pornography and no formal disciplinary policy, do the following:

1) Write a proposal on how you would implement a disciplinary process at your company. This is a general process for the whole company. What kind of disciplinary procedure will you use? How will you implement it?

2) What kind of disciplinary procedures will you implement to handle pornography? Drugs? Poor performance?

3) And finally, describe how you would discipline this employee for this offense.

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Other Management: Implement a disciplinary process at your company
Reference No:- TGS01444315

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