Discuss the below:
Pual tells his employee that he expects them to creat 3 tags per hour when they are in their disk
Sandy tells her student workers that she wants them to increase their data entry to a point where they are entering 10 compelte files per hour.
Amber goes a little overboard in her own workouts. recently, she told her personal training clintes that she wanted them to increase the weight they are lifitng by 100%.
Nancy asked her secretaries to keep their workspace neat and tidy - she likes to have a neat office
Chris gives her department 3 months to work on and implement a cost reduction programme
the choices for each one are:
Specific (Goals cannot be vague.)
Measurable (Goals should be made quantifiable in some way.)
Attainable (Goals should certainly challenge, but should also be do-able.)
Results Oriented (Goals should be linked to the organization's mission.)
Target Dates(Provide a clear time frame for completion.)