
Implement a class of stacks by using a list to contain the

Question: Using Visual Studio C++

Deadline: Wednesday May 3, Noon PST

Implement a class of stacks by using a list to contain the stack's entries. Then write a program that adequately demonstrates your new class.

Be certain that your class has a function that displays a polynomial. For example, the polynomial should display like this: 4x^5 + 7x^3 - x^2 + 9.

Also, implement a function that computes the product of two polynomials. Your program should allow the user to input the polynomials to be used. You will need to decide whether to accept input from the keyboard or from a file and how to represent a polynomial that is to be input. Suggestion: The polynomial shown above could be represented by ( 4 0 7 -1 0 9 ).

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Finance Basics: Implement a class of stacks by using a list to contain the
Reference No:- TGS02277522

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