
Impacting on good governance and public service reform

Question 1:

i) There appears to be an emerging consensus which the movement towards good governance must include initiatives to strengthen the institutions of government and civil society with the objective of making governments more accountable; more open and transparent; more democratic and participatory while promoting the rule of law. Public service management is a key component of moving the good governance agenda forward. Governance processes and related public service management challenges are shaped by a number of environmental forces.

Discuss the forces impacting on good governance and public service reform.

ii) Few studies have been conducted to evaluate New Public Management-type of reforms in developing countries. Nevertheless there seems to be consensus that such reforms have not met with the same level of success as in the case of some developed countries.

Why has NPM delivered less in developing countries than in developed ones?

Question 2:

Awards for excellent performance are increasingly employed within the public service in many countries. These may or may not have a financial value. Performance-related pay can be the most contentious of the approaches, but has been widely adopted. Public servants, like all other employees, require recognition of their achievements to maintain their motivation in a demanding and fast changing environment.

(a) Discuss the risks associated with the introduction of Performance-related pay in the Public Service with special emphasis on the Mauritian scene.

(b) Discuss and explain the strategies which might be adopted in introducing financial and non-financial awards in context of PRP implementation.

Question 3:

Successful privatization rests on government’s capability to manage the procedure of change. Discuss the institutional requirements for successful privatization and the risks which might have to be managed to minimize possible difficult effects.

Question 4:

(a) There has been debate over the precise nature of NPM but the guiding principles of NPM have basically been agreed among scholars. Discuss and describe the doctrines on which NPM is based.

(b) Many authorities have criticised NPM. Discuss some of those argue and criticisms whether or not NPM is an outdated model.

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Other Management: Impacting on good governance and public service reform
Reference No:- TGS07560

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