
Impact of the internet and social media on advertising


Mid-term Paper Assignment

There are two parts to your Mid-term assignment.

Part #1 is worth 15% and Part #2 is worth 5% for a t0tal of 20% of your grade.

The following are the topics for your Mid-term paper:

Part #1:

The impact of the Internet and Social Media on advertising.

Since you all use the internet and some form of social media on a daily basis I am expecting big things from you.

Points to consider;

-How traditional media and media planning has been effect.
-Most effective use of the internet/social media capabilities.
-Budget allocation as compared to other media.
-Promotional opportunity
-Overall effectiveness in reaching a target market.
-How a company is using the internet and social media as part of the advertising program

There is a lot of good information in your text book in Chapter 13 and other chapters. You can also use other references. Be sure to document and list your sources of information.

This project will be graded based on your thoroughness of investigating the topic, yourcreative interpretations of the information and technical writing skills. All these elements are important in writing advertising campaigns.

The paper should be done by you alone. This is NOT a group project. It should be no longer than 2 typed pages using a minimum of a 12 PT type.

Part #2: of your Mid-term paper

What is getting in your way

The fact is you are the most important entity you will ever have to promote and you know yourself better than anyone. With that in mind, we don't do ourselves justice when it comes to putting our best foot forward and achieving our goals. We tend to get in the way of our own success.

Think about it: when we achieve success, or experience failure, there is only one common denominator; you are always in the picture.

The second part of your Mid-term paper is all about you identifying what holds you back and gets in the way of you accomplishing your goals.

Read Get Out of Your Way; success is right behind you. It is available in the UB Book store or Amazon.com. Then write a paper on what is getting in your way and how you are going to move it aside so the success of your most important product, you, is in front of you and not behind.

Take an honest look and this assignment will not only earn you a good grade but will also help you through all your future endeavors.
Your paper should be no more than 2 pages, double spaced, 12 point type.

Your two Mid-term papers should be submitted to me by the due date.

Late assignments will not be accepted. I am not being nasty; when ads miss a deadline they do not run. This is getting you ready for the real world.

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Other Subject: Impact of the internet and social media on advertising
Reference No:- TGS01981974

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