Impact of stress on the brain/memory:
You must choose a topic related to the brain and prepare a short paper with the following elements:
Full description of the topic and why you are interested in the topic
The most important things you have learned about the topic
Why you feel it is important for others to know about the topic
Acceptable/suggested topics include but are not limited to:
Impact of stress on the brain/memory (many students have reported this is of concern to them)
Effects of depression, anxiety, or other emotional disorders on the brain
Effects of drugs on the brain (illegal or prescription)
Effects of violence, abuse, or neglect on the developing brain
Brain disorders (e.g. autism, dyslexia, schizophrenia, ADD or ADHD, etc.)
Gender differences in the brain
Moral development and the brain
Music and the brain
Effects of sleep on the brain
Effects on alcohol on brain development
Memory enhancing drugs
Empathy and the brain
The latest technologies used in brain research
You must cite at least 2 scholarly articles.