Select one of the research articles below. Evaluate the research study using The Qualitative Research Proposal - Evaluating Qualitative Research, Leedy and Ormrod to evaluate the research study. Briefly summarize your findings, citing specific examples from the article. Responses must be well written but concise and substantiated.
Option 1 Community Disaster Management Assets: A Case Study of the Farm Community in Sussex County, Delaware (Rademacher, 2013)
Option 2 The Impact of Stress of Emergency Responders: A Phenomenological Study (McKoy, 2010)
Option 3 Movement Against Disaster: An Ethnography of Post-Katrina Volunteerism in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans, Louisiana (Huff, 2007)
Option 4 Arson and Juveniles: Responding to the Violence (USFA, 2008)
At least 500 words APA format.