
Impact of social media on consumer brand loyalty


Moreira, Antonio Carrizo, Pedro M. Freitas da Silva and Victor M. Ferreira Moutinho. "The Effects of Brand Experiences on quality, satisfaction and loyalty: An empirical study in the telecommunications multiple-play service market." Innovar (2017): 26-36.

According to the authors, the marketing aspect of a business is continually changing, with companies emphasizing customer retention more than customer acquisition in a bid to form long-term relationships with customers. Marketing services is becoming a challenge due to an array of services provided which customers might understand differently. They indicate that "Services involve the supply of certain benefits and brand experiences to customers who might understand the benefits and brand experiences differently, affecting their level of trust and loyalty" (Moreira, Silva and Moutinho 24). It is crucial to comprehend how brand loyalty develops in the customers plus how customers perceive these brands to come up with better marketing strategies. The authors indicate that loyal customers help grow a business through more purchases, pay better premium prices, and refer other customers through word of mouth (Moreira, Silva and Moutinho 25).


All the authors have Ph.Ds relating to the topic. Moreira has a Ph. D in management, Silva has one in marketing and strategy, while Moutinho has a Ph.D in energy systems and climate change. This makes their information credible. In addition to their education, they all live in Aveiro, Portugal, reducing the bias of the information provided. The information in the article is still the same since it was written in 2017.

Busalim, Abdelsalam H., Ab Razak Che Hussin and Noorminshah A. Iahad. "Factors Influencing Customer Engagement in Social Commerce Websites: A Systematic Literature Review." Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research (2019): 1-14.

According to the authors, there is a newly emerging field of e-commerce recognized as the s-commerce that enables the use of social media in supporting social interactions and overall user contributions to aid in the purchase and the sale of both products and services. They indicate that this field has actively transformed the customer's role into active players in the transaction process through active participation in the online market. As a result, it is vital for companies to comprehend the context of s-commerce to enable them to better interact with customers while maximizing the overall social media effect. The authors infer that "to harness the impact of s-commerce, there is a need to understand how brands can leverage social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to engage and collaborate with customers"(Busalim, Hussin and Iahad 2). The authors have categorized s-commerce into two: social activities and social activities. They indicate that S-commerce is vital for customers to form brand perception since it enhances customer loyalty in the long run.


The author's education make the information hold authority. Busalim has a doctorate in philosophy, and is the associate leader of the faculty at national college in Ireland's research interest. Hussin works as an associate professor at Azman Hashim School of business. He has a Ph.D in e-commerce trust. On her part, Dr. Iahad has a Ph. D from the University of Manchester. She has led various research in the area and gain considerable recognition. She is an associate professor at tha Azman Hashim business school. The education level and the residence of the authoers makes the information provided to have authority in the field and to be unbiased. The information provided is also current from when it was first published. It has not been changed.

Isoraite, Margarita. "Raising brand awareness through the internet marketing tools." Independent Journal of Management & Production (2016).

According to the authors, broken brands globally are ranked by various criteria, including their monetary value, loyalty, and consumer affection. Every year, there is a growing importance for the role of the internet in creating a brand reputation. The authors indicate that for every brand, creating brand awareness is vital. Traditionally, this aspect of brand awareness was merely tracked through conducting studies and surveys. In social media, however, the authors infer that marketers have various ways to track brand awareness. They indicate that "in the social media environment, the company gains an increased exposure to its brand, often in highly relevant contexts every time a person uses an application created by or about the company"(Isoraite 321). Brand awareness enables companies to assess whether their brands cross the minds of the consumers and their thought on the specified goods category and how fast this happens. An individual user's brand evaluation is useless unless they analyze the entire brand.


The author is an associate professor at the Vilniaus Kolegija in applied sciences. She is conversant in the strategic marketing and management research fields. She lives in Lithuania. This makes her information credible and unbiased. She is conversant in matters brand awareness and has been vocal about it. The information provided is current.

Jibril, Abdul Bashiru, et al. "The impact of social media on consumer brand loyalty: A mediating role of online based-brand community." Cogent Business and Management (2019).

According to the authors, consumers and other marketers have accepted online activities using social media communication tool. Marketing diverse goods have adopted another direction enabling sellers to use the internet in engaging customers. The authors indicate that high internet growth acts as a force that allows customers to pre-purchase various information-gathering tools on products and services. The authors suggest that "the work of Adjei, Noble and Noble (2010) posit that social media-based brand communities have become a communication channel for a customer-to-customer as well as business-to- customers dissemination and sharing of product information and experiences" (Jibril, Kwarteng and Chovancova 2). Additionally, the authors point out that though most products are designed for similar purposes, they tend to be undifferentiated based on the customers' point of view. Overall identical goods proliferation enhances brand identification through ample engagement of the customers.


Jibril is a Ghanaian and hold a bachelor's degree in the field of economics and entrepreneurial studies. He is currently a PhD candidate and is conversant in matters brand management and social media marketing. Kwarteng is also an associate professor at Thomas Bata University in Zlin and holds a PhD degree. He is conversant in matters brand management. Pilik is also an associate professor at Tomas Bata and is conversant in matters brand awareness. Finally, Chovancova is also a PhD holder and teaches at the department of management and marketing at Tomas Bata. This makes their information hold authority. The information is also unbiased since they live in the same place. Additionally, the information is current since its publication.

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Biology: Impact of social media on consumer brand loyalty
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