Risk Assessment Tool
Develop a risk assessment tool to be used to conduct a survey of a school.
The paper should include:
1) Facility described
2) Mission of facility or organization described
3) Perimeter of facility described
4) Surrounding geographical and neighborhood described
5) Assets identified
6) Critical assets prioritized with rationale provided as to how they relate to facility's mission
7) Potential loss and consequences of loss described
8) Risk Assessment Methodology described and applied to evaluate likelihood and impact of risks to organization and critical assets.
9) Description of existing security measures and relevant information from review of past security incidents described and how past security incidents were used to identify vulnerabilities
10) Threat Assessment and Crime Analysis,
11) Security countermeasures to address vulnerabilities identified and described.
12) Cost of security countermeasures and impact on organization's budgetary restraints addressed including a cost-benefit analysis and prioritized recommendations.
13) Methods described to implement and monitor recommended security countermeasures
All papers should adhere to APA guidelines. It should be a (5) computer-generated, double-spaced pages and use a 12-point font. Margins are to be 1 inch (top, bottom, right, and left).