
Impact of politics andor the media on the operation of

Write a 6-8 page literature review on one of the following topics:

The impact of politics and/or the media on the operation of criminal justice agencies challenges and theories of motivating criminal justice personnel

Job stress and burnout among police officers, correctional officers, or community supervision officers (either pick one or -for a more interesting paper- compare and contract the causes of stress and burnout between police officers and correctional officers).

analysis of a theory of leadership and its application to criminal justice agencies the use of social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) by criminal justice agencies police or correctional officer subculture (or more interesting, a compare/contrast of the two)
role conflict among community supervision (probation/parole) officers or correctional (adult or juvenile) officers an analysis of how a recent Supreme Court decision (or series of related decisions) impact either law enforcement or correctional practices and administration.

All papers, regardless of the chosen project, will follow APA citation and writing style guidelines. I have provided two guides to help you get the formatting of your paper correct. No excuses will be accepted for improperly formatted papers.

Do not be confused by the word, "draft"! Students are expected to submit a complete, properly formatted, paper that includes all content intended for the final submission. In other words, the paper submitted as a "draft" should be similar to what would be turned in as a "final" paper.

Above are the topics for the paper. Must be atleast 6 pages.You can do either one of the topics

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Other Subject: Impact of politics andor the media on the operation of
Reference No:- TGS02230914

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