
Impact of police officers wearing body camera


Research Paper: Thesis Assignment Instructions


As a criminal justice professional, you must learn how to write an academic research paper. In this class, you will write an academic research paper. We will break down the steps of academic research in this class by working on the Research Paper Assignment in various stages. The Research Paper Assignment will culminate in the Research Paper: Final Assignment.

The first step of the Research Paper Assignmentis for you to write the Research Paper: Thesis Assignment. For the Research Paper: Thesis Assignment, start by selecting a criminal justice topic of your choosing. This will be the same topic that you will use throughout the course. Select a criminal justice topic that is of interest to you and that you have not previously written about or researched. Also, select a topic that is current yet developed enough that academic research has been written on the topic. This topic will be the topic you use to write your Research Paper: Final Assignment on.

After you have selected your criminal justice topic, begin to develop your position/argument on the topic and the 2 to 3 major points in support of that topic. Those elements will be included in the Research Paper: Thesis Assignment.


Prepare one to two sentences that include the following elements:

• The criminal justice topic you have selected;

• Your argument/position on the topic; and

• 2 to 3 major points in support of your argument/position on the topic.

Here is the list of Criminal Justice Research Topics

• Impact of Police Officers Wearing Body Camera

• Effectiveness of Correctional Education as a Rehabilitation Model

• Gender and Crime: Impact Have on the Criminal Justice System

• Use of Force can be Detrimental to Victims

• Causal Effect of Gun Control on Violent Crime Rates

• Effects of Body Camera for Enforcement Officers

• The Cost of Prison's Health Care

• Controlling and Handling of Juvenile Delinquency Problem in America

• Effective Sentencing Methodologies Can Decrease Juvenile Recidivism

• Impact of Courts Decision to Protect the Equal Justice

• Racial Profiling Could harm the Socially Disadvantage Group

• Proper Enforcement of Drugs and Violence Can Deter Crime

• Effectively Monitoring and Fighting Cyber Crime is Essential to Public

• Human Trafficking is the Most Heinous Crime to Victims

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Business Law and Ethics: Impact of police officers wearing body camera
Reference No:- TGS03173515

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