Impact of full inclusion in elementary schools

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Title: The Impact of Full Inclusion in Elementary Schools: A Comprehensive Exploration


In recent years, the discourse surrounding inclusive education in elementary schools has gained significant traction. This research project delves into the impact of full inclusion, exploring its benefits, challenges, and the perspectives of key stakeholders. The aim is to foster a supportive learning environment for all students, embracing diversity within our educational systems. As I navigate through this exploration, insights from scholarly articles, on-the-ground observations, and the valuable perspectives shared by educators, parents, and administrators will be drawn upon.


Understanding the methodology behind this research is essential. Utilizing field notes, scholarly articles, and firsthand observations, a comprehensive view of the subject was sought. However, like any research endeavor, certain limitations and challenges were encountered. Defining the project's scope becomes imperative to maintain a focused and nuanced discussion.

Benefits of Inclusive Education

One compelling aspect from scholarly discourse is the multitude of benefits inclusive education brings to students with special needs. According to Smith (2020), inclusive education positively impacts socialization and diversity, enhancing the overall educational experience. Brown (2019) complements this perspective by providing insights into inclusive education practices in elementary schools through interviews with educators and on-the-ground observations.

To further strengthen the correlation between the overarching argument and sources, let's explore additional observations that highlight the positive impact of inclusive education on special needs students. For instance, consider the case of a student who significantly benefited from inclusive settings, not only academically but also socially and emotionally. These additional examples provide a more robust foundation for my argument in favor of inclusive education.

Moreover, the survey conducted for this research project provides firsthand accounts from educators, highlighting the acquisition and maintenance of social-emotional skills by students with special needs. This is exemplified by a real-life example of a student pushing into various classes, fostering empathy and support from mainstream students.

Challenges in Implementation

While the benefits are evident, challenges faced by educators and schools in implementing inclusive education practices cannot be ignored. Insights from Johnson (2018), an elementary school principal, shed light on the administrative perspective. The lack of additional adult support emerges as a significant hurdle, impacting small group practices, differentiated instruction, and one-on-one access for students. The implications extend beyond students with special needs, affecting the entire classroom dynamic due to an already tricky student-to-teacher ratio.

Survey responses further affirm these challenges, emphasizing the crucial need for additional support to meet the diverse needs of students. Educators express frustration when attention is monopolized by a few students, hindering the effective integration of students into mainstream classrooms.

Perspectives of Parents and Administrators

The perspectives of parents and school administrators provide a holistic view of the effectiveness of inclusive education policies. Anecdotal evidence from a proactive parent, shared in the survey, emphasizes the positive impact of mainstream classrooms on a student's social, emotional, and academic growth. However, concerns about resource adequacy and safety in classrooms with special needs students are also voiced by parents. The survey reveals recommendations for improvement, including more differentiated instruction, small group practice, and visual aids.

Connective wordings like 'to piggyback off this idea' can be incorporated to enhance the transitions between paragraphs, ensuring a smoother flow of ideas. For example, continuing in this train of thought, let's consider the recommendations provided by parents and school administrators for improving inclusivity in elementary schools.


To strengthen the counterargument, let's delve into the struggles that some students with special needs face when being separated from their classmates for extra assistance, as suggested by Logan McNeill. This addition will address the emotional aspects of these concepts, fostering a more cohesive counterargument.

While some argue that the separation of students with special needs ensures better focus and tailored assistance, considering the struggles of these students when segregated, especially concerning social and emotional development, reinforces the benefits of inclusive education.


In conclusion, the impact of full inclusion in elementary schools is a nuanced and multifaceted topic. The benefits, challenges, and perspectives of stakeholders collectively shape the landscape of inclusive education. This research project, incorporating scholarly articles, firsthand observations, and survey responses, contributes to the ongoing discourse on creating inclusive and supportive learning environments.

The main argument, rooted in the belief that inclusive education enriches the overall educational experience, is reinforced by evidence from various sources. However, challenges in implementation highlight the need for additional support to ensure the success of inclusive education practices. The perspectives of parents and administrators underscore the importance of a well-rounded approach that addresses both the benefits and challenges.

Future Directions for Research

As we contemplate the future of inclusive education, there is a need for further research to delve into specific strategies for enhancing support in mainstream classrooms. Exploring innovative approaches and best practices can guide educators, administrators, and policymakers in fostering inclusive environments. Additionally, understanding the long-term impact of inclusive education on students' academic and social trajectories would contribute significantly to the existing body of knowledge.

Works Cited

Ensuring a consistent and formal tone throughout the essay, this research project aims to stimulate further conversations and research initiatives in the pursuit of creating an inclusive and equitable education system. The journey towards inclusive education is ongoing, and this project serves as a stepping stone in that direction.

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