
impact of effective human resource management on

Impact of effective human resource management on employee retention-rate a case study of asda and aldi in uk

How to write a good reserach methodology

-introduction -summarise the literarture and the reserach question.

-conceptual design/ research planing -justifying the mehod you are using or instrument applied.

-how/whom/what/why: you need to talk abot your participant,suject and sample you are chosening? the reason you have choosen it.

-methodology determines your design research, the how,why, what
how you are you are using the method you are chosing and why you have choosen not to use those other method?
how exactly are you going to doand how are you going to gather your data.

-Epistemology -rulesof the truth
how you go about finding the truth-the vain inside , getting information.

-The ontogy-research object

focus on the object of the research/question

what are you going to explore.

if variables factors are introduce you have to explain.

-discussion of pilot stude

-details of your data collections

-importance and limitations

-proposed analysis

-summary- what you found ,what are your theories and how this will impact on the other studies.

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