Assignment task:
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in Developing Countries
You have has been invited by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs to investigate the impact of COVID-19 in developing countries for the purposes of providing foreign aid to these countries.
You need to choose a specific developing country to study. In your research you need to address the following issues:
Provide an overview of the global significance of COVID-19 by addressing the following questions: What is COVID-19? Why is it important? What is its global significance?
Undertake a case study of COVID-19 in your chosen developing country. What is the situation in your chosen country and how is COVID-19 unfolding? What are some of the measures taken in the country? How effective have these measures been? What are some of the economic and social costs of these measures?
Based on (a) and (b) above, recommend the course of actions that the government of your chosen country can take to address COVID-19? What are the responsibilities of citizens of the country?
INDONESIA - Indonesia: country data and statistics (
Global Citizenship Research Report: Format
Title: Title not exceeding 15 words. The title must capture the essence of the project.
Name: Provide full name of author and student number
Abstract: Provide a short abstract (150 words) which briefly describes the purpose of the project and the main findings. You may want to write the abstract once the project is done.
Introduction: (250 words)
This section must cover two main things:
- a brief introduction and background to the study
- spell out the specific objectives of the study.
For the introduction and background, you must provide a brief introduction of the project for the reader, its relevance and importance etc. You must focus on why it is important to study COVID-19 pandemic in your chosen country. Overall, you must convince the reader that your research topic is on an important timely issue which deserves further research that contributes to our understanding of the phenomenon (or one particular aspect of it).
Objectives and research questions: You need to clearly state the key objectives of the study. Please come up with 2-3 specific objectives and or research questions which will form the basis of your investigation.
Global Overview of COVID-19. (500 words)
This section provides a comprehensive review of the state of the debate on Covid-19 and its global significance. Here you need to provide:
- An informed overview of what COVID-19 pandemic is? And why it is an important global issue
- How it has quickly spread become a global issue that spans national boundaries - substantiate with reliable data - and why the rapid spread.
- Comments on some of the economic and human costs of COVID-19pandemic and the challenges ahead.
You need to demonstrate a clear understanding - substantiated by facts based on credible and reliable data - of the state of COVID-19pandemic, the ongoing debate surrounding COVID-19 and the different arguments that continue to influence the debate on the challenges surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.
Case Study of COVID-19 pandemic in Country XXX (1000 words).
In this section you need to research the state of COVID-19 in your chosen developing country. Here you will gather information specific to country XXX to address several specific questions. These may include the following:
A general overview of the state of COVID-19 in your chosen country? How serious is it? Use credible data to show trends etc. number of cases, how quickly it has spread, trends in fatalities etc.
What are some of the measures that Country XXX has taken to address the spread of COVID-19? And how effective have these measures been? Here you can discuss whether these measures have reduced the spread of COVID-19? Use credible data to show trends etc. What are some of the economic and human costs of these measures?
What does the future look like for country XXX with respect to COVID-19?
(It is important that you discuss fully the nature of the data which you are using, where you got your data from and describe how you analysed your data).
Discussion (300 words)
Your discussion should focus on the following:
Discuss the main findings and comment on why the efforts of your chosen country in addressing the COVID-19pandemic has so far been limited/slow or may not be sufficient to fight this global pandemic.
Discuss how greater awareness of COVID-19 by citizens of your chosen country may help towards achieving a global solution. Here you need to discuss the role that global citizens can play in addressing covid-19 in your chosen country? How can the level of awareness of COVID-19 be improved? How can responsible global help contribute to positive change in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic?
Conclusion and recommendations (300 words)
Write a concluding section where you remind the reader what the main purpose of the research was and what the main findings were. Based on the main findings, propose 2-3 recommendations from a global citizenship perspective that can help towards a global solution for successfully fighting COVID-19 pandemic. What kind of help does your chosen country need to fight the pandemic? How can advanced industrialized countries assist your chosen developing country deal with COVID-19 pandemic?
References (300 words)
Include a list of relevant references in alphabetical order.