
Impact of civil rights on human expression


The assigned resolution choices will be:

Wars have had a greater impact on human expression in the 20th century than the other movements .

Technology has had a greater impact on human expression in the 20th century than the other movements .

Political events have had a greater impact on human expression in the 20th century than other movements .

Civil rights have had a greater impact on human expression in the 20th century than the other movements .

Gender equality has had a greater impact on human expression in the 20th century than the other movements .

Each team member will present an opening statement of between 200 and 350 words establishing his or her position.

After both opening statements, each team member needs to then produce an additional three posts as responses to the other teammate's starting with the affirmative position. So it will look like this:

Opening statements - affirmative - negative - affirmative - negative - affirmative - negative

There will not be a word requirement for the other posts, but the idea is that you are both refuting the last point of your opponents, while presenting new ideas and support for your positions.

To do this effectively, you must fully research both points. If you do not understand the opposing points, you will not be able to create an effective rebuttal.

In addition, you want to make sure that, in your preparation, you have more points than you present in your opening statement. These will then be used in your rebuttals. Make sure all resources are cited in all posts.

Students will be evaluated on how effectively their position is defended, how well they rebut opponent's points, and the quality and quantity of supporting resources.

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HR Management: Impact of civil rights on human expression
Reference No:- TGS02111546

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