
Imagine you are writing an opinion piece for the sunday

Question: Imagine you are writing an opinion piece for the Sunday Review section of The New York Times or for a similar publication such as The Guardian, The Atlantic, or National Review.

In 2500 words, using 6-8 sources, you should Research topic is< Global Warming,>

• persuade your readers that the issue is a problem

• identify the cause(s) of the problem

• propose a solution to the problem (based on the cause(s) you identify)

• refute at least one arguments against your proposed solution (such as another possible solutions), and

• encourage the reader to take action toward your proposed solution.

You will be graded according to the English 1 Essay Rubric. Please read it again now to remind yourself of essay expectations.

Writing Instructions: • underline your thesis statement

• use a combination of ethos, logos, and pathos

• persuade your reader that this is actually a problem: what effect is this situation having on who, and why should we care?

• explain the cause of the problem and connect your solution to that cause

• focus on a solution for the problem - this your thesis and what you want your audience to take action on

• refute at least one specific counter-argument (either a reason your reader might not think this is a problem or why another solution doesn't work).

Submission Instructions: • underline your thesis statement

• make sure your MLA in-text citations are correct

• make sure you have smoothly and correctly integrated sources

• make sure your Works Cited page is in MLA format

• save your file in .doc, .docx, or (preferably) .pdf format and submit to the dropbox via Canvas

• double-check that your submission is in the dropbox

• check your email frequently in the days following submission - the professor will contact you if there are any issues with your submission.

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Dissertation: Imagine you are writing an opinion piece for the sunday
Reference No:- TGS02860430

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