Imagine that you have been hired by a well-known marketing research firm. Your supervisor has asked you to use the expectancy disconfirmation model (for review refer to page 318 and the instructor notes of Module 8 in the syllabus) to evaluate a consumer's post-hoc satisfaction level for a recent purchase of running shoes. For the practice purpose of this assignment, you can ask a consumer who is your friend, your colleague or a member of your family.
- Identify three determinant attributes for this consumer (e.g. Comfort, style, durability).
- Determine the consumer's importance weights for each attribute, such that they total 100 percent. For example comfort=30%, style =10% and durability 16%.
- On a 1 to 7 scale, ask the consumer to rate how s/he expected the brand to perform on each of these attributes, prior to purchase (for example, comfort=6, style = 4 and durability=6).
- Also on a 1 to 7 scale, ask the consumer to rate his/her actual perceptions of how the shoe has performed on each of these attributes.
- Plug the weights (w), expectations (e) and perceptions (p) into formula: S = ∑w (p-e), where S is satisfaction level.
Does the outcome of the function suggest that this consumer is satisfied, delight or dissatisfied? Ask the consumer if s/he is satisfied to see if the model is consistent with consumer's response.