QUESTION 1: Imagine that you had to explain the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem to a person who has never heard of these things. Write an explanation to help this person understand these concepts. If you use a technical term, be sure to explain it.
Do not cut and paste anything from the Internet, but if you get ideas from a book or Internet source, be sure to cite it in the text and add a reference entry at the end (and put the ideas into your own words).
QUESTION 2: List what you consider are the most important concepts you have learned in this Statistics and Probability course.
QUESTION 3: What study tips would you give to students who enroll in this class next term? You can discuss whatever you think might be useful: time-management tips, what to study, how to study, what to do, or what not to do.
(NOTE; Please answer each question in 3 or more well constructed paragraph)