Imagine that you are designing a 4-hour leadership

Number 1

150-200 words needed

For this discussion, imagine that you are designing a 4-hour leadership development training session. Identify specific learning objectives for your training session. Conduct an Internet search to identify the types of games and business simulations that are available.

Select one game or business simulation appropriate for your audience and learning objectives. Provide a brief description, detailed rationale, and thorough analysis of the game or business simulation as it pertains to your specific audience and learning objectives. Do not simply cut and paste from the Internet source.

Number 2

150-200 words needed

Consider your best workplace learning experience. Describe the training delivery method(s) used and identify the factors that contributed to making it an effective workplace learning experience. Then, consider your worst workplace learning experience.

Describe the training delivery method(s) used and identify the factors that contributed to making it an ineffective workplace learning experience. Discuss what you would suggest to make each workplace learning experience more effective.

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HR Management: Imagine that you are designing a 4-hour leadership
Reference No:- TGS02229181

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