
Imagine that you are an athlete in a sport of your choice

Assignment 3: Essay: Coping with Adversity

Part I: Imagine that you are an athlete in a sport of your choice who is mired in a prolonged performance slump. Treating your slump as a type of adversity, create a hypothetical scenario that demonstrates your understanding of the stress appraisal part of the model of coping in sport presented in this module. Specifically starting with your performance slump as the environmental demand (such as stressor), provide details and examples on how you might conduct the stress appraisal and experience the perceived stress and your psycho-physiological stress state. Be sure to include details regarding your personality and motivational factors and how these would affect the stress appraisal process.

Part II: Continue to imagine you are the same athlete in the sport you designated as being of your choice in the first essay question above. Create another hypothetical scenario that demonstrates your understanding of the coping part of the model of coping in sport. This time, provide details and examples on how you might cope with the stressor and psycho-physiological stress state that you described above. Select either a successful or unsuccessful coping outcome, and describe the coping efforts that you might employ to arrive at that outcome. Be sure to include details regarding your coping disposition/style, and list available coping resources that would impact your ability to cope with your stress and adversity. Follow APA guidelines for writing and citing sources.

Write your answers in a 2-3-page essay and present it in Microsoft Word document format. Name the file M7_A3_LastName_CopingAdversity.doc and submit it to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

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Dissertation: Imagine that you are an athlete in a sport of your choice
Reference No:- TGS02937155

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