
Images words and audio provide alternate lenses to discover

Assessment : Self Concept using different mediums


This is the first of your two writing/communication portfolios (as published in the 2017 handbook).

Drawing on topics from Part 1 of Dwyer (2016) such as self-concept, intrapersonal communication, verbal and non-verbal communication; and Part 3 communicating through visuals, the aim of this assignment is to communicate who you are by using three different communication mediums:

• Storyboard with images and little text (use a similar storyboard format as outlined in Week 3 Seminar notes);

• Essay - written summary (750 words);

• Podcast - audio (3 mins).

Images, words and audio provide alternate lenses to discover how we see ourselves and what we project to others.

Some people find images can more powerfully describe what's going on internally, while for others the written word and/or spoken word allows them to explore the range and complexity of "self-concept". Table 4.2, p 87 of your text may provide some prompts to assist you.

Additionally, you might utilise the Johari window (Dwyer, 2016, p 88) or undertake an emotional intelligence EQ test on the web (ie Dwyer, 2016, p 93) or any of the free personality tests on the internet to help you form your notion of your "self concept".

Ensure you reference those you have used in your work. Your audio should be a summary of what you have learned about yourself, how you see yourself, how you communicate, and how you believe others see you - it should not be a verbatim of your essay!!

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Other Subject: Images words and audio provide alternate lenses to discover
Reference No:- TGS02625718

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