Illustrations of Accounting Policies
A Ltd., has decided to change its policy of writing off borrowing costs to capitalizing the same. As at 31st December, 2003, the company had written off borrowing costs amounting to £200,000. During the year ended 31/12/04. The company reported profit for the period of £450,000 but after charging borrowing costs of £50,000. As at 31/12/03 the retained profits were £1,500,000. Other transactions were:-
• Transfer from revaluation reserve on sale of PPE - £40,000
• Transfer from retained profits to general reserve - £50,000
• Interim dividends paid - £200,000
Required: Prepare the statement of changes in equity extract for the year-ended 81/12/04
Retained profits
Balance as at 1.1.2004
Change in accounting policy
Balance as restated
Transfer from revaluation reserve on sale of PPE
Profit for the period (450,000 + 50,000)
Transfer to general reserve
Interim dividends paid
Balance as at 31/12/2004