Illustration of initializing the data structure:
illustration of initializing the data structure by preallocating is here as shown:
>> cyls(3) = struct('code', 'c', 'dimensions',. . .
struct('rad', 3, 'height', 6), 'weight', 9);
>> cyls(1) = struct('code', 'x', 'dimensions',. . .
struct('rad', 3, 'height', 6), 'weight', 7);
>> cyls(2) = struct('code', 'a', 'dimensions',. . .
struct('rad', 4, 'height', 2), 'weight', 5);
Alternatively, it could be initialized by using the dot operator:
>> cyls(3).code = 'c';
>> cyls(3).dimensions.rad = 3;
>> cyls(3).dimensions.height = 6;
>> cyls(3).weight = 9;
>> cyls(1).code = 'x';
>> cyls(1).dimensions.rad = 3;
>> cyls(1).dimensions.height = 6;
>> cyls(1).weight = 7;
>> cyls(2).code = 'a';
>> cyls(2).dimensions.rad = 4;
>> cyls(2).dimensions.height = 2;
>> cyls(2).weight = 5;