Illustration of Graphics properties:
A particular property can also be exhibited, for illustration, to view the line width:
>> get(hl,'LineWidth')
ans =
To view the objects, and their properties, the meaning of properties, and the valid values, goes to the MATLAB Help. Under the Contents tab, click the Handle Graphics Property Browser. Then, click Plot Objects; a few options can be seen. Click Lineseries that is used to generate figures by using the plot function, to view a list of the property names and a brief description of each.
For example, the Color property is a vector which stores the color of the line as three individual values for the red, green, & blue intensities, in that order. Each value is in the range from 0 (that means none of that color) to 1. In the earlier illustration, the Color was [0 0 1], that means no red, no green, but full blue-in another words, the line drawn for the sin function was blue. Some more illustrations of possible values for the Color vector are:
[1 0 0] is red
[0 1 0] is green
[0 0 1] is blue
[1 1 1] is white
[0 0 0] is black
[0.5 0.5 0.5] is a shade of grey
All the properties listed can be changed, by using the set function. The set function is called in the format as:
set(objhandle, 'PropertyName', property value)