
Illustrating the modulation and demodulation operations

Solve the following problem

Consider a MISO (2, 1) system in which the Alamouti code is used in conjunction with multicode spread spectrum. To be specific, suppose that the symbol s1 is spread by code c1 and -s∗2 is spread by code c2. hese two spread spectrum signals are added and transmitted on antenna

1. Similarly, the symbol s2 is spread by c1 and the symbol s∗1 is spread by the code c2. Then two spread spectrum signals are added and transmitted on antenna

2. The channel coefficients h1 and h2 are known at the receiver.

a. Sketch the block diagram configuration of the transmitter and the receiver, illustrating the modulation and demodulation operations.

b. Assuming that the spreading codes c1 and c2 are orthogonal, determine the expressions for the decision variables sˆ1 and sˆ2.

c. What, if any, are the advantages and disadvantages of this multicode MISO (2, 1) system over the conventional MISO (2, 1) system that employs the Alamouti STBC without the multicode spreading?


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Other Engineering: Illustrating the modulation and demodulation operations
Reference No:- TGS02039762

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