
Illustrate what corduan says about witnessing to buddhists

Assignment task: "So You Meet a Buddhist . . ."

From a Buddhist to a Follower of Jesus! : Hwanja Lee, Hanmaum Church (youtube)

 After watching the short YouTube video, "From a Buddhist to a Follower of Christ," analyzes the video in comparison and/or contrast to Corduan's "So You Meet a Buddhist . . ." section of the "Buddhism" chapter.

Some sample questions you may want to address include:

Q1. How does Hwanja Lee's story in the video illustrate what Corduan says about witnessing to Buddhists?

Q2. How does the centrality of Christ figure in both Ms. Lee's video and Corduan's presentation?

Q3. What figures prominently in Ms. Lee's video but is not addressed by Corduan?

The main idea  is to analyze whether Corduan's presentation makes sense in light of this one woman's story.

Q4. How you would talk to someone who is on a similar journey as Hwanja Lee. Imagine that this person has not yet converted to Christ. What are some specific things you would emphasize or say?


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Reference No:- TGS03424336

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