Illustrate the results with a bar graph using figure provide

Hypothesis Testing and Critical Evaluations

1. A total of 100 undergraduates were recruited to participate in a study on the effects of study location on learning. The study employed a

2 x 2 between-subjects design, with all participants studying a chapter on the science of gravity and then being tested on the to-be-learned material one week later. Fifty of the participants were asked to study the chapter at the library, whereas the other fifty were asked to study the chapter at home. As a separate manipulation, participants were either told to study the chapter for 30 min or 120 min. The hypothetical set of data shown below represents the level of performance of participants on the test as a function of condition.


30 min

120 min







a) Is there a main effect of Study Location? In answering, provide the marginal means and state the direction of the effect (if there is one).

b) Is there a main effect of Study Duration? In answering, provide the marginal means and state the direction of the effect (if there is one).

c) Do the results indicate an interaction? If so, describe the nature of the interaction by comparing the simple effects.

d) Illustrate the results with a bar graph using the figure provided.


e) Interpret the results. What do they tell you about how study location affects learning? (be sure to refer to the interaction or lack thereof)

2. Now pretend that the following data were obtained:


30 min

120 min







a) Is there a main effect of Study Location? In answering, provide the marginal means and state the direction of the effect (if there is one).

b) Is there a main effect of Study Duration? In answering, provide the marginal means and state the direction of the effect (if there is one).

c) Do the results indicate an interaction? If so, describe the nature of the interaction by comparing the simple effects.

d) Illustrate the results with a bar graph using the figure provided.

e) Interpret the results. What do they tell you about how study location affects learning? (be sure to refer to the interaction or lack thereof)

3. Now pretend that the following data were obtained:


30 min

120 min







a) Is there a main effect of Study Location? In answering, provide the marginal means and state the direction of the effect (if there is one).

b) Is there a main effect of Study Duration? In answering, provide the marginal means and state the direction of the effect (if there is one).

c) Do the results indicate an interaction? If so, describe the nature of the interaction by comparing the simple effects.

d) Illustrate the results with a bar graph using the figure provided.


e) Interpret the results. What do they tell you about how study location affects learning? (be sure to refer to the interaction or lack thereof)

4. Now pretend that the following data were obtained:


30 min

120 min







a) Is there a main effect of Study Location? In answering, provide the marginal means and state the direction of the effect (if there is one).

b) Is there a main effect of Study Duration? In answering, provide the marginal means and state the direction of the effect (if there is one).

c) Do the results indicate an interaction? If so, describe the nature of the interaction by comparing the simple effects.

d) Illustrate the results with a bar graph using the figure provided.


e) Interpret the results. What do they tell you about how study location affects learning? (be sure to refer to the interaction or lack thereof)

In an earlier assignment you were asked to test a number of hypotheses using the experimental method. For the current Hypothesis Testing exercise, you are asked to test the same hypotheses using a factorial design. The goal is to show that each hypothesis is true under one condition, but not (or reversed) under another condition. In other words, the goal is to predict an interaction.

5. Bad experiences are more likely to be remembered than good experiences

Independent Variable #1: ____ within subjects ____ between subjects ______.

Level 1: ________.

Level 2: ________.

Independent Variable #2: ______ within subjects _______ between subjects_____.

Level 1: _________.

Level 2: _________.

Operational Definition of DV: _________.

Sample/Population: ___________.

Describe your predicted interaction and explain why you are predicting it: ___________________.

Discuss issues of internal and external validity and how you plan to find a good balance: ____________.

Predicted Results (label the conditions and provide actual numbers for your predictions):


IV #1 Level 1

IV #1 Level 2

IV #2 Level 1



IV #2 Level 2



6. Students perform better in class when they take notes using pen and paper instead of a laptop

Independent Variable #1: ____ within subjects ____ between subjects ______.

Level 1: ________.

Level 2: ________.

Independent Variable #2: ______ within subjects _______ between subjects_____.

Level 1: _________.

Level 2: _________.

Operational Definition of DV: _________.

Sample/Population: ___________.

Describe your predicted interaction and explain why you are predicting it: ___________________.

Discuss issues of internal and external validity and how you plan to find a good balance: ____________.

Predicted Results (label the conditions and provide actual numbers for your predictions):


IV #1 Level 1

IV #1 Level 2

IV #2 Level 1



IV #2 Level 2



7. Bad news travels fast (proverb)

Independent Variable #1: ____ within subjects ____ between subjects ______.

Level 1: ________.

Level 2: ________.

Independent Variable #2: ______ within subjects _______ between subjects_____.

Level 1: _________.

Level 2: _________.

Operational Definition of DV: _________.

Sample/Population: ___________.

Describe your predicted interaction and explain why you are predicting it: ___________________.

Discuss issues of internal and external validity and how you plan to find a good balance: ____________.

Predicted Results (label the conditions and provide actual numbers for your predictions):


IV #1 Level 1

IV #1 Level 2

IV #2 Level 1



IV #2 Level 2



8. Too many cooks spoil the broth (proverb)

Independent Variable #1: ____ within subjects ____ between subjects ______.

Level 1: ________.

Level 2: ________.

Independent Variable #2: ______ within subjects _______ between subjects_____.

Level 1: _________.

Level 2: _________.

Operational Definition of DV: _________.

Sample/Population: ___________.

Describe your predicted interaction and explain why you are predicting it: ___________________.

Discuss issues of internal and external validity and how you plan to find a good balance: ____________.

Predicted Results (label the conditions and provide actual numbers for your predictions):


IV #1 Level 1

IV #1 Level 2

IV #2 Level 1



IV #2 Level 2



Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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