Assignment task:
Class: Psychology - Introduction to Statistics
Describe the objectives and significance of the proposed research below. (BETWEEN the correlation between two variables: Resilience and Procrastination, (1) to ascertain the extent to which resilience impacts or alters procrastination behaviors in various academic settings, and (2) to identify the specific factors that contribute to either the strengthening or weakening of this correlation.)
Read these Articles
1. Ko, C.-Y. A., & Chang, Y. (2019). Investigating the relationships among resilience, social anxiety, and procrastination in a sample of college students. Psychological Reports, 122(1), 231-245.
2. de la Fuente, J., Santos, F. H., Garzón-Umerenkova, A., Fadda, S., Solinas, G., & Pignata, S. (2021). Cross-sectional study of resilience, positivity and coping strategies as predictors of engagement-burnout in undergraduate students: Implications for prevention and treatment in mental well-being. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12.
3. Oprins E, Kamphuis W, Westerveld L, Huybens W, Börjesson M, Johansson E, Aalto H. Predictive validity of a selection instrument measuring resilience: The INSPIRE resilience scale. Mil Psychol. 2024 Jan 2;36(1):58-68.
4. Pashak, T. J., Tunstull, M. D., Booms, A. V., Vanderstelt, B. H., & Handal, P. J. (2023). Trauma resilience on campus: The moderating effect of developmental assets in the link between trauma exposure and posttraumatic symptomatology in college emerging adults. Traumatology, 29(3), 352-360.
5. Shin, Y., & Kelly, K. R. (2015). Resilience and decision-making strategies as predictors of career decision difficulties. The Career Development Quarterly, 63(4), 291-305.
6. Rahimi, S., Hall, N. C., & Sticca, F. (2023). Understanding academic procrastination: A Longitudinal analysis of procrastination and emotions in undergraduate and graduate students. Motivation and Emotion, 47(4), 554-574.
7. Svartdal, F. (2017). Measuring procrastination: Psychometric properties of the Norwegian versions of the Irrational Procrastination Scale (IPS) and the Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS). Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 61(1), 18-30.
8. Abdollahi, A., Maleki Farab, N., Panahipour, S., & Allen, K. A. (2020). Academic hardiness as a moderator between evaluative concerns perfectionism and academic procrastination in students. The Journal of Genetic Psychology: Research and Theory on Human Development, 181(5), 365-374.