Illustrate the complexity of poverty, social inclusion


Gina is an 83-year-old woman who currently lives in a one-bedroom unit that she purchased when her husband Tony died twelve years ago. Gina worked most of her life on their small acreage outside of town growing vegetables and selling them at the local markets. She gained most of her knowledge about growing and preserving fresh foods as a child in Southern Italy, something she feels has lost its importance in today's fast-paced society.  Although Gina also worked in a number of part-time jobs including house cleaning and working in a local laundry, she did not accumulate any superannuation. She now finds that she is having real difficulty with affording health and food expenses, and she is experiencing mobility issues associated with shopping, cooking and cleaning.

Gina's grown-up daughter, who lives in a large city 450 kilometres away, offered Gina the opportunity to come and live with her. Gina declined the offer as she believes that this would be too great a burden on her daughter's own family. Gina likes living in her own home and does not wish to leave. She does not have much savings and her house is her only real asset. Having said that, the house is in need of some work, for example, the cooling system needs repair as it does not seem to work and Gina was admitted to hospital last summer due to dehydration during a heat wave. Likewise, there is no heating system in the home and Gina sits close to a small electric fan heater during the winter, which is expensive to run. She would like some help with her daily activities, and some structural alterations to the house (handrails, bath converted to a walk-in shower) that would enable her to stay there as long as possible but does not have the private income to pay for this

In my discussion apply micro framework to illustrate the complexity of poverty, social inclusion and social exclusion

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