
Illustrate documentary - make a right living

Assignment task: From the documentary film by Tom Berendsen with the heading "Unit 6.1 Real Value | Economics Documentary with Dan Ariely | Sustainability | Social Entrepreneurship", published in 2021.

I need help with answering the following questions:

1. One line from the documentary is "make a right living." What is the meaning of this in the context of "real value"? How is this related to the role of business in society? What is your personal vision of "making a right living"? How will this contribute to your legacy?

2. Pick one of the companies highlighted in the documentary. What are they doing differently? What value do they add to society? What lesson did you learn from them? Do you have any criticisms of their business ethics?

From the article 'Does business ethics make economic sense?' by Amartya Sen published by Cambridge university press. I need help to answer the following

1. How does Sen talk about trust in his article? Is this the same or different from how trust is discussed in the documentary? How will you build trust in your own career?

2. Give 5 comments on the article by Sen, also indicate the sections from the article that the comment is referring to

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Other Subject: Illustrate documentary - make a right living
Reference No:- TGS03381662

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