Problem: Stephanie is an 17-year-old first time mom who delivered a 3260-gram (7lb 3oz) baby boy 24 hours ago at 0930 via c-section for a breech presentation. Her history is G1 P1, rubella negative (-), and blood positive ( ), with a low transverse abdominal incision, dressing removed and noted staples, wound edges well approximated. Her lochial flow is heavy, foley catheter was removed at 0730 this AM. She has been eating a regular diet, bowel sounds are hypoactive, no flatus has been passed at this time. Negative homan's sign. PIV in the left arm infusing Lactated Ringers at 50 mL/hr. Her last bag of Pitocin was right after delivery. Epidural is infusing, states pain level is a 6/10. Stephanie placed the newborn to the breast immediately after delivery, but later decided she would bottle feed because it felt embarrassing.