
Iinvolves developing a function called

It involves developing a function called "single_phase_transformer_tests" that can work on user input data to generate the transformer voltage regulation and efficiency under various loading criteria.
a. Transformer rated KVA
b. Transformer voltage ratio
c. Open circuit (O.C.) test data (voltage, current, and power)
d. Short-circuit (S.C.) test data (voltage, current, and power)
e. Transformer loading data such as load fraction, load power factor, load voltage.
The developed function must provide the following output:
a. Transformer equivalent circuit parameters referred to both HV and LV sides.
b. The core and copper losses in the transformer.
c. The voltage regulation.
d. The power output of the transformer.
e. The transformer efficiency.
f. The maximum efficiency of the transformer.
g. The load at which maximum efficiency will occur.
Display your results in a proper table format.
A. Test the developed MATLAB program for the following data:
Transformer rated kVA 150
Voltage ratio 1500/150 V
O.C. Test data 150 V, 6.0 A, 400 W
S.C. Test data 50 V, 100 A, 1800 W
Transformer Load 65 % of full load, 0.75 PF leading, 150 V

Tabulate your results and assume any missing data accordingly.
B. Using the above developed MATLAB function, plot the transformer voltage regulation, copper losses, the power output and efficiency each as a function of load fraction (in percentage of full load), the load power factor, and power factor angle.
1. Report
2. MATLAB Code
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Electrical Engineering: Iinvolves developing a function called
Reference No:- TGS0973409

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