1. For a normal random variable with mean 19,500 and standard deviation 400, ?nd a point of the distribution such that the probability that the random variable will exceed this value is 0.02.
2. Find two values of the normal random variable with mean 88 and standard deviation 5 lying symmetrically on either side of the mean and covering an area of 0.98 between them.
3. For X - N(32, 72), ?nd two values x1 and x2, symmetrically lying on each side of the mean, with P (x1 Xx2) = 0.99.
4. If X is a normally distributed random variable with mean -61 and standard deviation 22, ?nd the value such that the probability that the random variable will be above it is 0.25.
5. If X is a normally distributed random variable with mean 97 and standard deviation 10, ?nd x2 such that P (102 X x2) = 0.05.