
If your portfolio has an expected return of 1446 percent

1.Your investment portfolio has 20,000 shares of Fairfax Paint, which has an expected return of 10.3 percent and a price of 5 dollars per share, and 25,000 shares of Litchfield Design, which has a price of 4.2 dollars per share. If your portfolio has an expected return of 14.46 percent, then what is the expected return for Litchfield Design? Answer as a rate in decimal format so that 12.34% would be entered as .1234 and 0.98% would be entered as .0098.

2.You own a portfolio that has 5,400 shares of stock A, which is priced at 15.7 dollars per share and has an expected return of 16.68 percent, and 1,000 shares of stock B, which is priced at 23.2 dollars per share and has an expected return of 8.99 percent. The risk-free return is 3.84 percent and inflation is expected to be 1.98 percent. What is the risk premium for your portfolio? Answer as a rate in decimal format so that 12.34% would be entered as .1234 and 0.98% would be entered as .0098.

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Financial Management: If your portfolio has an expected return of 1446 percent
Reference No:- TGS02710352

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