If you wereare responsible for administering the benefits

For week twelve you will write a 2-3 page, double-spaced APA formatted analysis of your current benefits plan at your employer. If you are not currently employed, please interview someone who is for the purposes of this exercise.

To complete this assignment please provide a brief summary of the benefits offered at your current employer. Include a discussion of whether you have: health insurance, dental/vision insurance, retirement plans, “family friendly” benefits (such as daycare, on-site gym, etc), paid time off, flextime, etc.

After summarizing your benefits program please answer the following questions:

Why do you think that your organization has chosen the benefits that they offer?

Are you satisfied with the benefits package at your company, why or why not?

What are some benefits that could be offered that would increase your satisfaction, if applicable?

If you were/are responsible for administering the benefits what are some ways you would try to improve the benefits package?

What are the cost implications of the benefits that are offered (i.e. do you think the program is expensive for your employer or not?)

Based on the reading you’ve done for this week, what are the strategic reasons that the HR department has implemented this benefits plan, in your opinion?

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Operation Management: If you wereare responsible for administering the benefits
Reference No:- TGS02916843

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