
If you were an advisor to the presidents what kind of


An overview of the executive order and fully explain it. What it means , what it does, and what impact it has in the united states.

Do you agree Or disagree with the executive order and fully explain your reflections on why or why not?

If you were an advisor to the presidents, what kind of advice would you give to him about how the American people would react to this Executive order. What things should the president consider-pros and cons before signing this into law? Address how the American people will react positively or not? Why?

-If you were the Attorney General of the State of Texas, would you challenge this Executive Order in federal court? Why or why not? There are always citizens asking the AG to do so - if you were the AG what would you do and why?

-Conclusion to Paper

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12 point front ,1 inch margins

Work Cited (3 sources at least)

Executive order can be a source

Executive Order of U.S President

Order Says: Establishing discipline and accountability in the environmental review and permitting process for infrastructure projects

Whenever the President of any country issues some specific order regarding a specific issue, then it is known as an Executive Order. These orders got a special place in American History. In order to be followed, these laws have been governed by the Governmental agencies and Federal Government of United States of America. The Congress also tries to impel the executive orders. (Woolley, 2017). The Congress Man cannot reject this order. It doesn't need any kind of approval from the congress.

Under two weeks previously Hurricane Harvey conveyed a surge crisis to the Texas Gulf drift, US president Donald Trump marked an official request enabling government organizations to inspire grants to work without ocean level ascent as a top priority. The request, marked August 15, cancelled an Obama-period arrange that required government offices to consider the "best-accessible and significant science" on ocean level ascent when building elected framework. New government expressways and army installations, for instance, would should be hoisted two feet over the region's high-water check for an outrageous surge and basic framework like doctor's facilities and crisis reaction structures would should be three feet higher than the stamp.

Specialists are anticipating that Harvey will be the most intense tempest to hit the US since 2004 will cost Texas between $30 billion and $100 billion in this kind of harm. This Law consisted of seven sections which cannot be explained completely in this paper but it will be elaborated and concisely described here:

Section 1: In this first part of this order, the basic purpose of this law has been defined.

Section 2: All the policies related to the general public such as infrastructure, developments, environmental procedures and how to complete goals on time doing by Federal Agents, will be discussed here.

Section 3: This section states that the expressions of this executive order shall be functional consistently with those rules explained and confirmed under section 42 U.S.C. 4370m and applying all the directions to the greatest possible degree.

Section 4: All the agencies work has been discussed and followed through it. The performance of agencies will be measurement will be seen here in this section. All the Federal agencies have to be very transparent in its rules and regulations.

Section 5: This section is the longest one. It contained many multi-level sections being written for making more enhanced processes. All the Federal Agencies must have to follow this section. Dispensation of major infrastructural programs have been discussed in this part.

Section 6: In this section, it has been told that a previous law is cancelled i.e. Executive Order 13690 of January 30, 2015.

Section 7: In this last sections, the General Provisions regarding this law have been discussed.

Purpose Served. (Executive Orders, 2017)

Soon, the Congress will be called upon to send billions of government dollars to help with the state's recuperation and revamping endeavors. But since of Trump's rollback of President Barack Obama's Federal Flood Risk Management Standard, specialists over the political range say a significant part of the governmental money sent to Texas is probably going to be squandered on development that will inadequately ensure against the following tempest. This rollback would no doubt disproportionate affect poor and powerless individuals and groups. (Rellman, 2017). Many of the President Trump's laws have been against the general profits of many inferiorities in America. So basically many people have been unhappy with many of the orders. And when it comes to the Congress it is also bypassed by them and thus somehow the Congress become angry with many orders which President Trump passed from January 2017 until now. (Trump in office: What are presidential executive orders?, 2017). If I had to give a suggestion to the President, then I will surely say him to not sign this law, because it will affect the rehabilitation process of Taxes city.

While considering myself as an Attorney General of Texas, I will consider this law in detail and then decide. (Schultz, 2017). But as far as President Trump is concerned with his Attorney General it will not affect him, whether I am going him or in his favor. As an Attorney General I can just advise him that it's not good for the Texas State but it will not make a positive impact on President Trump as he can remove me easily.


Executive Orders. (2017, sep 29).

Schultz, D. (2017, feb 2). Presidential Executive Orders And The Constitution: What Can Trump Really Do?

Trump in office: What are presidential executive orders? (2017, jan).

Woolley, G. P. (2017, September 20). Executive Orders:.

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