
If you were a member of the irb reviewing this research how

Research topic: How HIV and AIDS Education may Influence young Adults to change their life style in Nakuru Kenya?

QUESTION: 1 300 Wolds

Discussion: Risks-Benefits Analysis

When completing an IRB application, you are asked to provide a risk to benefits analysis. In ethical research, the benefits must outweigh the risks. Potential risks include physiological and psychological consequences of an intervention, but observational studies also incur some risks, such as the potential loss of privacy due to breaches in confidentiality.

Use Concordia's library to identify published studies that reviewed an intervention. Limit the search to articles published in the last year. Using this intervention study, provide a risks-to-benefits-analysis of the published research using the Risk-Benefit template

in this week's required studies. Post your analysis here and answer the following:

1. Would you be comfortable conducting this research? Why or why not?

2. Would you be comfortable participating as a subject in this research? Why or why not?

3. Do your responses to questions 1 and 2 differ? How? Should they?

QUESTION: 2 300 Wolds

Discussion: IRB and Ethical Research

The history of research is littered with examples of unethical research. The most well known may be the research Nazi scientists conducted on prisoners in concentration camps, but there are many other less notorious examples.

First, describe, in your own words, what ethical research means. Then, using Concordia's library resources and your own Internet sources, find an example of research from the past 30 years that you view as unethical. Based on your chosen example and your understanding of the IRB process, answer the following:

1. What problem was the research designed to address?

2. What element of the research did you find unethical? Why?

3. If you were a member of the IRB reviewing this research, how would you suggest the researcher modify the research methods to make the research ethical?


Discussion: Oral Presentation

Proposals are meant to be evaluated by others. Why else would you need to write a proposal and not just a finished research paper? Even the most experienced presenters must practice their skills. This is an opportunity to share your proposed research with others as well as practice your presentation skills.

After reviewing the presentation on creatingPowerPointslide presentations, use thePowerPointslide template to complete the written portion of this assignment. Then add audio to your slides as presented in the Guide to Adding Audio toPowerPointPresentation.

Export the presentation as a video and upload it toyoutubeas "unlisted", (followthe instructions posted in Week 7) thenpost a link to the unlisted presentation to this discussion board by Saturday

You are not required to respond to the Oral Presentation posts of your fellow student during Week 7.

You will be responding with an evaluation of your fellow students' presentations in your "Evaluating Presentations" discussion post for Week 8.


Discussion: Oral Presentation

Proposals are meant to be evaluated by others. Why else would you need to write a proposal and not just a finished research paper? Even the most experienced presenters must practice their skills. This is an opportunity to share your proposed research with others as well as practice your presentation skills.

After reviewing the presentation on creatingPowerPointslide presentations, use thePowerPointslide template to complete the written portion of this assignment. Then add audio to your slides as presented in the Guide to Adding Audio toPowerPointPresentation.

Export the presentation as a video and upload it toYouTubeas "unlisted", (followthe instructions posted in Week 7) thenpost a link to the unlisted presentation to this discussion board by Saturday

You are not required to respond to the Oral Presentation posts of your fellow student during Week 7.

You will be responding with an evaluation of your fellow students' presentations in your "Evaluating Presentations" discussion post for Week 8.


Assignment: Oral Presentation

After you have submitted your Oral Presentation to the Week 7 - Oral Presentation forum, you must also submit your Oral Presentation via this assignment page. Please note that this assignment page is how you will be graded for your Oral Presentation.

Submit the completed PowerPoint video by posting a link to the unlisted Youtube page where it has been uploaded.


Assignment: Draft of Proposal

You have already developed all of the elements of a research proposal and now it is time to put it all together into a cogent proposal. You will combine the introduction, background, literature review, and methods sections into one document. As the content has already been reviewed, for this assignment you are to focus on the alignment of your sections, the flow of your writing, and your use of APA 6 form and style guidelines.

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Other Subject: If you were a member of the irb reviewing this research how
Reference No:- TGS02665121

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