
If you want to watch this and write up a few paragraphs

Video and article for phyllis young

The use of low-cost labor in a variety of countries has changed supply chains drastically, but is a complex social issue. As consumers learn more about their products, companies are facing pressure to change supply chain decisions (think Total Value Perspective -- per unit cost is low but public relations costs go up).

If you want to watch this and write up a few paragraphs about your impressions (1 page), what you learned that was news to you, what you think the tradeoffs are and what companies should do, etc, it will count as a homework credit.


The link opens the main page which has 5 videos. Each is about 10-12 mins long to make a 1 hour documentary. If you want to do this assignment, please base your essay off of all 5.

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Dissertation: If you want to watch this and write up a few paragraphs
Reference No:- TGS01719269

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