If you sell it in may you will only get 100 if you

You had great intentions last January when you pur- chased a $450 piece of ?tness equipment. However, your use averages only one time per week. It is December, and you can sell it for $300 (to someone with a New Year's resolution) and rely on the university gym until you graduate at the end of the semester. If you sell it in May, you will only get $100. If you keep it, you'll have to pay $25 to move it to the city of your new job (where you interned last summer). There is no convenient gym at the new location. What costs and irreducibles are relevant to your decision making? What decision do you recommend?

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Microeconomics: If you sell it in may you will only get 100 if you
Reference No:- TGS01350180

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