If you have your login information that you used

LP1 Assignment: 000WebHost Account Setup and Maxwell Scientific 

There are two parts to this assignment. The first step is to set up your web hosting account and the second is Maxwell Scientific from the textbook. 

Important Note: If you have your login information that you used in CI2370: Web Design & Programming, you can add this course to your existing account but you will still need to forward your username and password to your instructor. If you no longer have your access information to your 000WebHost account, please create a new account by using the steps below. 

1. To complete this assignment you will need to create a FREE account with a web host called 000WebHost. This host also offers pay services, but there is an educational area for students. View the PDF or video which will walk you through the setup process. You will need to create a username/password and submit this to the instructor. This is necessary to allow the instructor to help if there are any issues with 000WebHost. 

You will need to create a new index.html page. This page will be the first page that you see when your web site is open. Copy the source code below and change the name information. Save the file as index.html and upload to your 000WebHost account by using the Control Panel and File Manager. A short tutorial can be found in this video or PDF. Please explore the control panel and ask the instructor questions as you have them. 

As we progress through this course you will make the links below active and point to your Learning Plan assignment for that week.

Preview of correctly formatted index page 

2. The second part of the assignment is Tutorial 9 Case Problem 4 - Maxwell Scientific found on page 684 of your textbook. Complete the web files and upload them to your 000WebHost account. After uploading the files make sure to update your index.html page to link to the Case Problem 1 completed files. Your online work will be graded, but please zip your Case Problem 1 files and submit them in the "LP1 Assignment: 000WebHost Account Setup and Maxwell Scientific" assignment dropbox. If needed, these instructions are available for help with zipping files.


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Prepared by a verified Expert
Programming Languages: If you have your login information that you used
Reference No:- TGS082523

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