
if you have not used tar before try this sequence

If you have not used tar before, try this sequence to makeanarchive ofyour llast project:

%cd;tar cf llast.tar llast

%tar tfv llast.tar

The first line m vesyou to your home directory then runs tar.The cf argument tells tar to create an archive in a file, the aac.tar a gument is the name of the archive f le, and the llast argument is the name of the direc- tory to copytothe archive.All directories and files bel wthat levelare copied into the single file llast.ta .

This example assumes your llast project is in a directory called llast belo wyour home directory.Ifyou put your llast directory somewhere else, you need to cd to its parent.

The second line shows howtouse tar to display the table of contents of an archi ve f le. The tvf argument tells tar to display the table of contents (t), v erbosely (v), for the specified file (f The second ar gument (llast.tar) is the name of the archive tolist.

If you want to extract the archive,you can type

%tar xvf llast.tar

which performs the xvf operation to extract (x), verbosely (v), the contents of archive f le (f) llast.tar.

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Chemistry: if you have not used tar before try this sequence
Reference No:- TGS0417380

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